Contributions to the Trans-Mississippi Turf Scholarship Fund
Donations from members of Trans-Mississippi Member Clubs and friends of the Trans-Mississippi Golf Association are the lifeblood of the TMGA Turf Scholarship Fund. Your donations create much of the energy that goes towards our renowned Turf Scholarship Program that was inaugurated in 1953. Approximately 1,600 student scholars have benefited from your generous contributions which have made it possible for them to pursue degrees in Turf Science. Perhaps you have met one of our former scholars on your own course or have seen their work on a course nearby or during your travels. In any case these young men and women depend on you and the Trans-Mississippi Turf Scholarship Fund to make their dreams of becoming the golf course superintendents of tomorrow a reality.
Why Contribute?
What more vital asset is there at a golf club than the care and maintenance of its turf and grounds?
Contributions to the TMGA Turf Scholarship Fund are fully tax deductible. But more importantly with the rapidly increasing costs of education you are ensuring that the highest standards of our nation’s golf courses are maintained by the education of its future caretakers through the assistance provided by the Trans. This is truly an investment in our future!
Many of these young men and women’s education in turf science would not be possible without your contributions. The Trans-Mississippi Golf Association gives over $100,000 annually to students pursuing a degree in Turf Science as scholarships and to member clubs as internship grants.
The Trans-Mississippi Golf Association has embarked on a campaign to raise our grants to $150,000 per year to help fill the financial needs of these young men and women pursuing careers as golf course superintendents and we can’t do it without your help.
So please, help the TMGA secure the future of our nation’s golf course superintendents by contributing today!
“The Trans-Mississippi Scholarship led to a major career change. The financial aid and assistance was invaluable.”
– Jay Morrish

4475 Trinity Mills Road, Suite #702526
Dallas, TX 75287