Policies & Procedures

To ensure that our competitors have the best possible experience when competing in a Trans-Mississippi Golf Association (TMGA) event, it is helpful to be knowledgeable of the following information, as established by the association.  Upon completion and confirmation of entry, all players have agreed to abide by all Trans-Mississippi Golf Association (TMGA) Policies and Procedures (including Code of Conduct, Dress Code, No Cards, Disqualifications and any special guidelines for specific events), Conditions of Competition and Local Rules.  Players are subject to rejection of entries if they fail to adhere to the Policies and Procedures set forth.  Final decisions on these matters will be made by the Trans-Miss Golf Association Championship Committee.

CODE OF CONDUCT: Contestants (and their caddies) must observe proper golf etiquette at all times. Any abuse or disrespect of fellow competitors, officials, spectators, employees of the host facility, or other persons conducting or attending a TMGA sponsored event can be grounds for disqualification from the event, and possible rejection of entry for future TMGA events. Such abuse may be verbal or physical or threat thereof and includes, but is not limited to: the use of obscene language, physical damage to property or equipment including that of the TMGA or the host facility, and being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances during a competitive round.
ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  Each TMGA Championship has its own specific tournament eligibility criteria (i.e., maximum USGA Handicap Index, age requirements, etc.) Please reference the specific championship you are interested in for further details.
For both the Trans-Miss Senior Championship and Trans-Miss Four-Ball Championship, entrants must be a member of a Trans-Mississippi Golf Association member club. If an entrant’s club chooses not to become a member club, they may make a minimum $100 individual contribution in lieu of club membership as part of the entry process, in addition to the championship entry fee.  Membership and contributions are considered on an annual basis; those making contributions only need to make a single contribution if competing in both events.
ENTRY PROCEDURE:  All players, including those that are exempt, must complete the online entry process by the published deadline(s) for each respective championship.  Each TMGA competition has a specific designated field limit.  Excluding specific tournament policies, entries for TMGA championships are accepted on a first-in basis as approved by the championship committee, until the entry deadline.  Late entries, entries which are incomplete or inaccurate, regardless of cause or reason, will not be accepted.  Each entry is subject to review and approval by the TMGA; the championship committee reserves the right to reject an entry at any time.
Please be advised that exempt players maintain a priority for a spot in each field until the published exemption deadline, where applicable.  Non-exempt entries may be waitlisted until such time when additional spots become available and/or the exempt player deadline has passed.  In circumstances where multiple divisions comprise a single field, the TMGA will adjust the size of each division to accommodate additional non-exempt entries in the starting field. After exempt player deadlines have passed, players will be added to the field in the order in which their entry was received on a first-in basis. 
PARTNER SUBSTITUTION (FOUR-BALL CHAMPIONSHIP): Partner substitutions for the Trans-Miss Four-Ball are permitted. Substitutions for teams will be permitted prior to the start of competition and individuals must meet the minimum eligibility requirements for the TMGA, as well as the specific tournament requirements (i.e., age, USGA Handicap Index, etc.). A player may not select a substitute partner from those players who are already in the championship field. Players who are on the waitlist are eligible substitutions. Contact the TMGA at (214) 468-8942 or email at [email protected] to arrange your team substitutions.
WITHDRAWALS/DISQUALIFICATIONS/INCOMPLETE SCORECARDS: To provide further clarity to player withdrawals, no cards and disqualifications, the following categories and notations will be used on score cards and posted results, if:

  • A player notifies TMGA Staff and/or Officials in advance of their starting time that they are withdrawing.  Withdrawals occurring between stipulated rounds played over consecutive days will result in the player being withdrawn from the next round, not the previous round most recently completed.
  • A player notifies TMGA Staff and/or Officials that, during a round, they are withdrawing due to, but not limited to medical conditions, injuries or family emergencies, etc. Players failing to complete their round for reasons not covered above will be deemed a No Card.   
For more information pertaining to the TMGA Withdrawal Procedure, please see below.


  • A player who starts, but does not complete their round, will be classified as a no card if they fail to return their scorecard to the Committee, or fail to complete their round for reasons not covered by the withdrawal circumstances noted above.
  • A player will be denoted as disqualified, if they are subject to a penalty of disqualification under the USGA Rules of Golf, TMGA Conditions of Competition and/or Standard Local Rules.
Please note: This classification includes players who do not notify the TMGA or fail to start at the time established by the Committee, or within five (5) minutes of this starting time, will be subject to disqualification per Rule 6-3a.

Players are subject to rejection of entries if they fail to adhere to the TMGA Policies and Procedures set forth, that include withdrawals, no cards and disqualifications. Final decisions on these matters will be made by the TMGA Championship Committee(s).
WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURE: Prior to the entry deadline players looking to withdraw should do so online through their TPP user profile to receive an immediate refund and withdrawal. After the entry deadline has passed players should either call the Trans-Mississippi Golf Association at (214) 468-8942 or email [email protected]
REFUND POLICY: If a player withdraws prior to the entry deadline they will receive a full refund, less a $25.00 ($50.00 for the Trans-Miss Four-Ball) administrative fee.  If a player withdraws after the entry deadline has passed, the player will not receive a refund unless the spot is filled by an alternate or wait listed player (the $25.00 administrative fee is still applicable in this circumstance). Otherwise, the player will receive no entry fee refund.
WAIT LIST:  Entries that do not meet all of the required eligibility criteria or those received after the field limit has been reached will be placed on a “wait list” for that event.  Applicants will be ranked on the wait list in the order their application was received by the TMGA, unless otherwise specified in tournament eligibility.  Any spots in the field that become available will then be filled in accordance with the ranked wait list. The TMGA will use the wait list up until 6:00 PM of the night prior to Round One.  After that time, any player on the wait list may exercise their right to walk up on site.  Please see “Walk-Up Procedure” for further details.
WALK-UP PROCEDURE:  To be a part of the Walk-Up procedure you must be either a TMGA alternate or wait listed player. Players wishing to Walk-Up are required to check in with the TMGA official at the 1ST tee 30 minutes prior to the start of Round One. Alternates or wait listed players who are late to check in will be placed at the bottom of the Walk-Up list. At check in you will be ranked in accordance with your status as either an alternate or wait listed player.
Once play begins, if a player who is in the starting field fails to show up at the tee at the designated time, an alternate or wait listed player will be called. If the player does not show within five minutes, the alternate or wait listed player’s ball will be in play.

  • Trans-Miss Senior Championship & Trans-Miss Four-Ball Championship – Wait listed players present for the Walk-Up Procedure will be checked in and then ranked based on the original order their application was received by the TMGA.  First priority will be given to wait listed players who are in the same division as the withdrawn player they are replacing
  • Trans-Miss Amateur Championship – Wait listed players will be ranked behind any players who were given alternate status by the Championship Committee and who are on-site as outlined in the “Walk-Up Procedure” policy above.

ALTERNATE SUBSTITUTION: Only those players who have earned alternate status as determined by the TMGA Championship Committee(s) are eligible for alternate substitution. Once the entry deadline has passed, any spots in the Championship field that become available will be filled by the most suitable entrant as determined by the TMGA Championship Committee(s).
Entrants who have been assigned alternate status will be notified of their status within 48 hours of entries closing and once again upon the release of pairings for their respective event.  While alternate substitution is dependent upon the withdrawal of confirmed players, these notifications are for informational purposes only; the TMGA cannot speculate on the likelihood of alternates gaining a spot in the field at any time.  The TGMA will contact alternates for substitution up until 6:00 PM of the night prior to the start of Round One. After that time, any player on the alternate list may exercise their right to walk up on site. Please see “Walk-Up Procedure” (above) for further details.

  • Alternate players present for the Walk-Up Procedure will be checked in and then ranked based on a ranked order previously determined by the TMGA Championship Committee(s).
  • The TMGA does not disclose rankings and reserves the right to select the most suitable entrant as a replacement for a withdrawn player.

DRESS CODE: Appropriate golf attire is required at all TMGA events. Appropriate golf attire includes collared shirts with sleeves that must be properly tucked in at all times, Bermuda length shorts, or slacks.  Shoes with metal or traditionally-designed spikes are prohibited. 
In the event of any conflicts between the dress code as outlined by either the TMGA or the host facility/venue, the dress code of the host facility/venue will prevail.  Please note that this policy is in effect for both players and caddies, without exception.
TRANSPORTATION: Information regarding the use and availability of transportation varies between TMGA Championships – refer to Tournament Information and specific event Conditions of Competition for the championship in question.  Please be advised that in events where carts are provided to the player and/or their caddie, players are encouraged to utilize motorized transportation.  In doing so, carts will be limited to two (2) carts per group/pairing and a maximum of two (2) riders at a time.  While caddies may not be prohibited from riding, they are not guaranteed a cart seat.
CADDIES:  Information regarding the use and availability of caddies varies between TMGA Championships – refer to Tournament Information for specific events and guidelines.  Caddies must adhere to the TMGA code of conduct and dress code.  If a caddie is an employee of the host facility or local caddie master, their respective uniform policy will prevail.  Caddies should not wear golf shoes of any kind.
POSTING OF TOURNAMENT SCORES TO GHIN: Tournament scores in individual stroke play rounds will NOT be posted as a “T-score” for handicap purposes to your home club/course.  Therefore, it is recommended that players in individual stroke play TMGA competitions post their tournament scores using the appropriate slope and course rating provided following the competition.

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4475 Trinity Mills Road, Suite #702526
Dallas, TX 75287


